Inspiring Designs
This image shows a model wearing a creation from the winter 2007-2008 collection by Russian designer Valentin Yudashkin in Moscow, July 9, 2007. The collection was inspired by 16th century fashion and the photo was taken by Sergei Karpukhin.
I have chosen this image as one that has inspired me because the design of the hair is in the shape an material of a ruff used for fashion in the 16th century. The artist has also removed the eyebrows from the models face, this also gives em the impression of an Elizabethan styled look.
This is Beyonce as 'Queen Bee' after her tour Mrs Carter World Programme, form
I admire this look of Beyonce, the artist has completely whitened her skin and hair, this is to give the impression of a 16th century design, the makeup and fashion also link with the extravagant ideals from Queen Elizabeth. I think this design is a good example of a contemporary look inspired by Elizabeth I; it shows a good understanding of the use of pale colours and white as the skin was coloured in the 16th century to be very pale and give the impression of wealth and royalty. Her hair is very big and piled neatly on her head as like the portrait of Elizabeth.
Fashion styling on, Tyra Banks Elizabethan period
This image reminded me of the Queen from Alice in Wonderland; there is a good use of the colour red, which influences the idea of royalty and power. The model, although has a modern style of makeup, has a subtle look that is in keeping with the theme of red and royalty. The hair of the model is done to influence the idea of Queen Elizabeth, the strong colour of natural red and the curls remind me of the more earlier portraits of the Queen. Picture form French rococo style hair art, Josefine Jonsson photo and retouch This design reminds me of an Elizabethan style hair design with the curls and neat undo.
I have chosen to look at this image because the hair, although subtle, is curled and mostly up in a bun, this reminds me of the contemporary looks of 16th century hair I have been looking at. I like this look as a whole; the makeup is done well to compliment the Elizabethan look, faded eye brows and pink lips, with a pale face., viewed 24.11.15, (digital image)
This portrait of Elizabeth on her coronation day, shows her with her hair down, this is to symbolise her youth, virginity and purity. This style is used in contemporary looks to create the innocent image inspired by Elizabethan looks.
Lady Gaga, Royalty variety performance goes 'gaga'
This image of lady gaga is a good representation of contemporary Elizabethan; her fashion and dramatic red eyes is what attracted me to the image at first, she is wearing a ruff to give the impression of royalty and status based on the looks from Queen Elizabeth, and her eyes give me the impression of power and glamour, also a love from Elizabeth; she would always be finding new materials for fashion and makeup to symbolise her power and wealth. Although her hair is loose and falls down her shoulders, this reminds me of the earlier portraits of Elizabeth, before she became Queen, showing her innocence and purity. The colour of this yellow hair on Lady Gaga also influences the look, because many women would have dyed their hair yellow and red to be like the Queen. Visa gismo on pinterst/gothic on pinterst fantasy makeup
I chose to look at this image because it has inspired me to think about other ways in which to create an Elizabethan look. The hair and makeup in this design was initially taken from the fashion and style of the Queen Elizabeth I, but has taken a dark turn. The hair is more red then the natural ginger of Elizabeth and the makeup is very extravagant and precise. Elizabeth would have worn black as a fashion statement; it was very expensive to make and symbolised wealth as only her and other royals would have been able to afford it., viewed 24.11.15, (digital image)
This portrait of Elizabeth I shows her wearing black, a very expensive colour to make, she would have had many dresses made in this colour to show off her wealth and power.
Beyonce, 11814442-f320.jpg crystalgordon.hubpages.comelizabethan-oid 'coolness from Beyonce
This image of Beyonce is another inspirational look of hers to influence her image in a similar way to Queen Elizabeth. The artist has copied Elizabeths style to create a contemporary look; big hair that involves crimping and rick racking, a large ruff styled piece to go around her head influence by the fashion of the 16th century and a very embellished dress, she also wears a crown., information website., information website.