Elizabethan Hairstyles and inspirations
An introduction
During this project I shall be developing an understanding of where some the inspiration of hair designs have come from. I will be looking at the Elizabeth 1 golden age era and concentrating on the hair designs and styles of that time.There have been many styles of hair since then that still have many elements form her creative style e.g. big red hair, accessories decorating the hair, curls influenced by her hair, pulled back from the face.
After looking at many of the portraits and paintings photographed in modern books, I have developed ideas on how to re create the eccentric style of hair she, and the people from this era had. I have been looking at modern takes of her hair designed for fashion and makeup purposes, and also some new hair designs I have been working on with my 'Kate' doll. As it is early days my research will continue and I will continue to develop my ideas and progress to make the perfect design inspired by the golden age.
Because Elizabeth was royalty and considered powerful, wealthy and beautiful she was the 'Kardashian' of today. People looked up to her and wanted to look like her, they designed their clothes with her inspiration and they died their hair to match the fiery red Elizabeth had. This is why red hair is considered royalty.
Inspiration and found images:

The hair in this picture is realistic ti the times of Elizabeth; portraits of her confirm she had a large forehead, and wore wigs to make the hair seem fuller and thicker. Her hair is high on top of her head fanned out and made to look very big. It shaped round her face to make her head look like love heart, this could be to accentuate the look of her crown, and show purity. http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/Pelicula/elizabeth_r.htm, viewed 10.10.15, (digital image)
Her hair was still very much on top of her head in a high up and fanned out position but without curls or the love heart shape, it looks neat and brushed.
These ideas of her hair are displayed in portraiture of Elizabeth, both young and old, we see her transform in those pictures and it is dispelled well in modern television shows and movies. http://englishhistory.net/tudor/monarchs/queen-elizabeth-i, viewed 10.10.15, (digital image)

This is a hairstyle I have learnt how to do on my 'Kate' doll. The design is called a french plat and I like the way I have curled it around the head tightly, I think this would look good as a small twist on the Elizabethan style of hair. I would like to incorporate this idea into my designs, with ongoing research on how to build on my ideas.

This is another image taken from a film about Elizabeth 1' life. This is a much more complimented look of her, she looks beautiful and very poised. Her hair is full of pearl decorations and in the shape of a love heart, in the centre is her crown which again draws the eye. After researching into the fashion and style Elizabeth and her people, it seems the hair styes are more for convince, to have the hair down would get in the way and interfere with the huge white ruff around her neck.
Makeup is art book
Makeup is art book